Toe Strong

Video Guides

How to use the Toe Strong Resistance bands

The following series of videos will help you make the most of your Toe Strong Bands

Gradual progression at a tolerated load is important. Start with shorter length holds and sets and build up over a number of weeks as you get stronger and more tolerant of the exercise.

This is not medical advice and is for educational purposes only. The Toe Strong Bands are to be used only under the guidance of your chosen health professional who is familiar with this exercise routine. Training should be customised to your individual needs.

Big Toe Flexion

Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle targeted

A demonstration using the Toe Strong resistance bands by Fasciitis Fighter to perform big toe flexion strengthening.

Big Toe Abduction
Abductor Hallucis muscle targeted

A demonstration using the Toe Strong resistance bands by Fasciitis Fighter to perform big toe abduction strengthening.

Big Toe Abduction Stretch

A demonstration using the Toe Strong resistance bands by Fasciitis Fighter to perform big toe abduction strengthening.

Foot Eversion
Peroneal muscles targeted

Demonstration using Toe Strong resistance bands by Fasciitis Fighter to perform Foot Eversion strengthening

Big Toe Planting Drill

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